Beauty, Product Review, Skin Care

The Ordinary – Lactic Acid 5% + HA 2% | Review

As I mentioned in my posts earlier, I have been meaning to add Acids in my skincare routine to help with exfoliation while targeting the textural irregularity on my face. I have never tried acid’s before so to start with I wanted to start small so I chose Lactic Acid 5% + HA 2%, A Mild Lactic Acid Superficial Peeling Formulation from The Ordinary. They also offer a more potent 10% solution but since I am a beginner in the acid-for-skin-care realm I decided to go slow.

The Ordinary Lactic Acid 5% + HA 2% Review

The Ordinary- Lactic Acid 5% + HA 2% | Review

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Beauty, Product Review, Skin Care

The Ordinary- 100% Organic Cold-Pressed Rose Hip Seed Oil | Review

Before you read this post I encourage you to read the low-down on Rose Hip Seed Oil- the ingredient here and find out the “Royal” reason why I thought I need this product in my skincare Routine.

The Ordinary: 100% Organic Cold-Pressed Rose Hip Seed Oil_ review _ India

The Ordinary: 100% Organic Cold-Pressed Rose Hip Seed Oil | Daily Support Formula for All Skin Types

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Beauty, Life Style, Skin Care

OMG! Rose Hip Seed Oil

“If it is good for the Duchess of Cambridge- Kate Middleton, its got to be good for me!” And so I went looking for this miracle oil. Read ahead about the stuff I found out about this Skincare Superstar.

Rose Hip Seed Oil Beauty- Ingredient to Know_ India_ Skincare_Carrier Oil

Rose Hip Seed Oil – Beauty Ingredient to Know

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Beauty, Life Style, Skin Care

OMG! Parabens

Anyone who knows anything about cosmetics or skin care will slightly cringe at the mention of Parabens. Lately there has been so much chatter about it from both sides, one that claims it to be safe and the others that claim it to be terribly dangerous. Many boutique brands claim themselves to be paraben- free, almost bragging about it along with buzz words like Organic & Ayurvedic, affirming themselves as healthy and clean. But is that true? What is one to believe?


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